LSTM-900 transcranial magnetic stimulation system: It
is an important tool for the treatment of Parkinson's
disease, depression and other neurodegenerative
diseases, which can significantly improve patients'
clinical symptoms. Our team adopts the inverter boost
charge-discharge technology in an innovative way.
Through the periodic capacitor charge-discharge and
LC re s on a n c e ma t ch i n g s y s t e m , pu l s a ti ng
electromagnetic field signals are generated in the
magnetic stimulation coil to act on the human body.
The instantaneous discharge current can reach up to
nearly 100 amperes, forming a strong stimulation
effect on human patient tissues and effectively
improving the symptoms of neurodegenerative
diseases in patients. It has certain clinical application
potential. It can be widely used in the treatment of
Pa r k inson' s di s e a s e, depre s s ion and othe r
neurodegenerative diseases, and can significantly
improve the cl ini c al symptoms of pa tient s .
Output mode
Pulse output, continuous output
Output field strength
0-1.3 T
Built-in capacitor bank
Four groups
Output frequency
0-50 Hz
Maximum output voltage
2500 V
Maximum output current
1.6 kA
80 cm*60 cm*100 cm
Project |
content |
Outputmode |
Pulseoutput,continuousoutput |
Outputfieldstrength |
0-1.3T |
Built-incapacitorbank |
Fourgroups |
Outputfrequency |
0-50Hz |
Maximumoutputvoltage |
2500V |
Maximumoutputcurrent |
1.6kA |
Size |
80cm*60cm*100cm |
Resound Photoelectric Technology Research Institute (LSRPTR)
Resound Photoelectric Technology Research Institute (LSRPTR), also known as Resound Research Institute, is affiliated with China Haiheng International Trade Group Co., Ltd. (CHHGC). As an investment attraction enterprise in Zhongyuan Science and Technology City and a construction unit of the Zhongyuan Aurora Laboratory, the institute is committed to the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, guided by market demand.
Technical Cooperation
Resound Research Institute has established technical cooperation with numerous well-known domestic and foreign universities, research institutes, and enterprise platforms, including:
Tsinghua University
Lanzhou University
Zhengzhou University
Altai State Technical University of Russia
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Chinese Academy of Engineering
Henan Academy of Sciences
China Electronics Technology Group
CGN Group
Xiamen University
Henan University
National University
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Chinese Academy of Sciences
China Academy of Engineering Physics
China Shipbuilding Group
China Electronics Group
Henan Inspection Group
Research and Development Fields
* Applications of Micro-Electromechanical and Lithography Technology
* Optoelectronics and Spectroscopy Technology
* High-Power Laser and Device Preparation Technology
* Nuclear Instrument and Emergency Equipment System Applications
Introducing Advanced Technologies and Products
Resound Research Institute continuously introduces advanced new technologies and products in industrial application scenarios such as market supervision, public safety, environmental monitoring, and science, education, research, and production. This has led to the formation of a domestically produced high-end scientific equipment industry base that integrates design, research and
development, production, sales, and services. This base drives the iteration of downstream industry technology, enhances the transformation and industrialization level of scientific and technological achievements, and provides technological sources for innovative development.